
Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Life on Overdrive

Have you ever had those months/days/weeks that it seems like it just goes by in the blink of an eye, but at the same time last forever?

It's been like that for me the last two weeks. Mainly because of this:

Our company had a booth at the Great New York State Fair and decided that someone from Human Resources had to be there each and every day of it. Since there are 3 people in HR and one was on vacation and one was the director that had to be in meetings - it came down to me. So I sat at a booth - talking to fair-goers and people watching. For days. In a row. For hours and hours straight. Including weekends - which is why my Sunday posts have been non-existent.

It wasn't all bad though - I certainly had a lot of fun eating a bunch of crap I don't typically allow myself:
Finding a Coke with my hubby's name on it (because you know I'll never find mine.)

And oh yeah... meeting celebrities :)

Why of course I'll take a picture with you, Mr. Alex Baldwin and his mom Carol :)

Mike and I rounded out a long week of work with the season opener football game at Syracuse University.
They never fail to give me a good heart attack. After a lot of overtime, we pulled through and won. After a game like that (especially after 4 hours) you certainly stick around for the playing of the alma mater.

Then I did a bit of hanging out with my brother and his wife on the final Sunday of the fair and caught a free concert of Phillip Phillips. He's the big white spot in between those large heads that were directly in front of me.
I thought I would be back once the fair ended - however now I have quite the cold that is putting me right on my butt. Actually, as I write this, I am on a sick day from work, listening to the Comfort Windows and Doors guys tear up my house to fix their mess up. But that is a whole different story for later days...

See you soon, friends! I promise I have not forgotten about you.