
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Announcing Announcements

Hey all! Got a bit of news to share - not sure if it's good or bad. That's for you to decide. Unfortunately I feel like I"e been selling you guys short on Thursdays. Lately I've been late, posting half-assed projects, yadda yadda yadda. I feel like posts have been full of excuses.

So, I'm changing my regular posting day from Thursday to Sundays - Sunday's Fun Day's, if you will. This will ensure that I don't rush the projects after I get home from work at 7 or 8 at night - and, you know, get dinner and sleep. It also helps that that'll give me Saturday to shop for refashions if I'm running low... which is currently the case.

So I will see ya'll on Sunday with my next refashion!!

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